We are primarily interested in stories directly related to Gold Canyon, Apache Junction & nearby areas. Stories will run by available space, there's no guarantee that every article will make the issue.
This is a monthly Publication and All Photos and Articles are due by the 10th of the month.
Anything received after the 10th will may or may not be included because of available room.
This is not a platform for complaints or political agendas. Please keep all articles and subject matter respectable and unbiased.
Opinions expressed in advertisements or editorial do not necessarily represent my view as editor.
I do reserve the right to not run editorial copy, or advertisements that do not fit in with Superstition Livings standards.
You may email stories, Word docs and Multiple Photos to editor@mansurdesign.com
Or you may use the Forms below.
Out and About
Photo Submissions:
Either rename the image, or include this in the email.
[Title of photo] by [Your name]
IE: "Hummingbird by Jessie Mansur"
Article Submissions:
Please include the Title of the article if it is not visible in word doc.
As well as please include your name so I may credit your article Properly.